Monday, February 10, 2025
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4 Malicious Adware apps Discovered on Google Play With More than 16,100,000 Installs

The adware programs will tend to serve unwanted advertisements on your mobile phone and computer. The adware can be included with some apps in...

49 Malicious Android Adware Apps in Google Play Infects 3 Million Users with Anti-uninstall Functions

Researchers discovered nearly 49 malicious Android Adware Apps from Google play store related to games & stylized cameras, and these apps were downloaded by...

Google Play Store Flooding with Spyware, Banking Trojan, Adware Via Games, and Utility Apps

Google Play continues to be the source for malicious applications, researchers found several Android banking malware, adware, and other threats. These applications are designed...

Beware!! Top Android VPN’s with 500 Million+ Installs Pushing Adware to Android Users

The researcher discovered a four most popular VPN for Android that installed over 500 million users committing ad fraud and pushing unusual ads in...

85 Malicious Photography and Gaming Adware Apps Installed Over 8 Million Times From Play Store

Researchers discovered nearly 85 malicious adware apps in Google play store that intended to upload for delivering adware and monetize from affected Android devices. These...

206 Malicious Android Adware Apps Downloaded 150 Million Times from Google Play Store

SimBad, a massive adware campaign discovered in Google playstore from more than 200 malicious apps that have been downloaded by nearly 150 million times. Most...

Beware !! #1 Adware Removal Mac Store App “Adware Doctor” Spying & Stealing Mac Users Sensitive Data

One of the Top paid Apple's Mac store App "Adware Doctor" spying the Mac users and steal the Users browsers history from the Safari...

78,000 Fortnite Game Players Infected With Adware While Downloading Fortnite V-Bucks Hack

The Fortnite game has more than 125 million total players and it is one of the most famous games on the planet. Web-based game-streaming platform...