Black Nurse attack: Will a single laptop bring down Servers/Routers

8 years ago

Black Nurse attack is a new-threat emerging on it's horizon, it can be launched from a single laptop which is…

ICMP Types and Codes

8 years ago

Control messages Control messages Type Code Status Description 0 Echo 0 Echo reply (used to ping) 1 and 2 unassigned Reserved…

OWASP A5- Security Misconfiguration

8 years ago

Security Misconfiguration prevalence are quiet common and this risk can be easily exploited,anyway the impact of risk would be moderate.…

A4-Insecure Direct Object References

8 years ago

Insecure Direct Object References prevalence are quiet common and this risk can be easily exploited, anyway the impact of risk…

OWASP A2 – Broken Authentication and Session Management

8 years ago

Broken Authentication and Session Management vulnerability allow's attackers either to capture or bypass the authentication methods that are used by a web…

Top 10 IT Skills for 2016

8 years ago

IT job seekers, on the other hand, are sitting pretty heading into 2016, Reed says, because salaries rise when demand…

A1 Injection OWSAP

8 years ago

A1 Injection vulnerability is currently ranked #1 on the OWASP Top 10 chart which means that it is responsible for…

Open JPEG Vulnerability CVE-2016-8332

8 years ago

Open JPEG Vulnerability CVE-2016-8332 disclosed by Cisco Talos group in  JPEG2000 image file format parser which implemented with the OpenJpeg library. What is OpenJPEG ? OpenJPEG…