The Man-in-the-Disk Attack open's a new attack surface that would allow an attacker to replace, or to manipulate the data…
Google removed around 145 apps from the Google Play store that infected by Windows Malware which are not developed to…
Surveillance industries are getting bigger and monitoring is one of the essentials things to keep running a business in a…
Google officially banned the Crypto-currency mining apps from Play Store and Google updated its privacy policies which say, "We don't…
Let the fun begins. As per Owasp, Vulnerabilities has been categorized as TOP 10. M1 - Improper Platform Usage …
Mobile platforms provide many different services, from authentication, to secure data storage, to secure network communications. Failing to use some…
Mobile platforms provide many different services, from authentication, to secure data storage, to secure network communications. Failing to use some…
Attacking Broadcast receiver: A Broadcast Receiver is an Android Component which allows you to register for system or application events.We…