
Momentum Botnet Attacks Linux Devices and Recruit them as Botnet to Launch DDoS Attacks Using 36 Different Methods

Security researchers from Trend Micro observed a new malware activity targeting devices running the Linux platform, the malware samples found…

5 years ago

Roboto Botnet Exploiting Linux Webmin Server RCE Vulnerability To Perform DDoS Attack

A new wave of Roboto Botnet activities being discovered that attack the Linux Webmin servers by exploiting the RCE vulnerability…

5 years ago

APT33 Hackers Launching Malware via Obfuscated C2 Server to Hack Organizations in the Middle East, the U.S., and Asia

Researchers uncovered a new wave of a targeted cyberattack against the organizations in the Middle East, the U.S., and Asia…

5 years ago

Gafgyt Malware Infect Wireless Routers and Recruit into Botnets to Attack Gaming Servers

Researchers discovered a new malware variant dubbed Gafgyt infect IoT devices specifically routers used in a small office and home…

5 years ago

Smominru Botnet Hacked 90,000 Windows Computers in Last Month Using EternalBlue Exploit

Threats actors behind the Smominru botnet compromised nearly 90,000 windows computers in last month using EternalBlue exploit and performing brute…

5 years ago

French Cops Hijacked Retadup Botnet & Remotely Wipe The Malware From 850,000 Infected Computers

Team of French Cops from Cybercrime Fighting Center (C3N) takedown the Retadup worm command & control servers to block the…

6 years ago

New Miori Malware Uses Text-based Protocol to Communicate with C&C Server for Launching a DDoS Attack

A new Mirai variant dubbed Miori uses text-based protocols to establish communication with command-and-control (C&C) servers. The Miori campaign was…

6 years ago

New Version of Echobot Botnet using 26 Powerful Exploits to Attack Oracle, D-Link, Dell Apps

New Mirai level Botnet Echobot using 26 different exploits for the infection vectors that leveraging the vulnerabilities in Oracle, D-Link,…

6 years ago

GoldBrute Botnet Trying to Hack more than 1.5 Million RDP Servers that Exposed to Internet

A new botnet dubbed GoldBrute attacks more than 1.5 million RDP servers that are exposed to the Internet. The botnet…

6 years ago

Hacker Compromised Several IoT Botnet C2 Servers and Taken Control of It Due to Weak Credentials

A Hacker who goes by name Subby has compromised more than 29 IoT botnet command and control servers that were…

6 years ago