Thursday, February 6, 2025

Information Gathering

AgentTesla Stealer Delivered Via Weaponized PDF and CHM Files

AgentTesla, a notorious information stealer, is observed spreading via CHM and PDF Files, which covertly harvest critical information from the victim's computer.The stealer has features including keylogging, clipboard data...

InSpy – Linkedin Information Gathering Tool for Penetration Testers

The objective of this Information Gathering tool is to extract Linkedin users based on their organization, job description, or email address.InSpy was written in Python...

scanless – A Pentesting Tool to Perform Anonymous open Port Scan on Target Websites

Network Penetration Testing determines vulnerabilities on the network posture by discovering Open ports, Troubleshooting live systems, services, port scans and grabbing system banners.Considering the current...

Brutespray – Port Scanning and Automated Brute Force Tool

Brutespray is a Python script that provides a combination of both port scanning and automated brute force attacks against scanned services.Scan with Nmap and use...

Masscan – World’s Fastest Scanner – Scan the Entire Internet in Under 6 Minutes

Masscan - Worlds fastest scanner can scan the entire Internet in under 6 minutes, transmitting 10 million packets per second. Masscan is an Internet-scale port...

theHarvester – Advanced Information Gathering Tool for Pentesters & Ethical Hackers

The objective of this Information Gathering Tool is to gather emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports, and banners from different public sources like...

SPARTA – GUI Toolkit To Perform Network Penetration Testing

SPARTA is a GUI application developed with Python and builds Network Penetration Testing Kali Linux tool. It simplifies the scanning and enumeration phase with faster results.The...

hping3 – Network Scanning Tool – Packet Generator

hping - a Network Scanning Tool is a free packet generator and analyzer for the TCP/IP protocol distributed by Salvatore Sanfilippo (also known as Antirez).It...

Nmap – A Penetration Testing Tool To Perform Information Gathering (Guide)

Nmap is an open-source network monitoring and port scanning tool to find the hosts and services in the computer by sending the packets to...

SN1PER – Most Advanced Automated Penetration Testing Tool – 2023

Sn1per is an automated scanner that can automate the process of collecting data for exploration and penetration testing.In their work sn1per involves such well-known...

LinkedIn iOS App Caught Reading Clipboard With Every Keystroke, Says it is a Bug

LinkedIn caught snooping on the clipboard data of every keystroke, the issue was discovered with the beta version of iOS 14.The LinkedIn iOS app...