Security News
150 Million user Accounts Affected with MyFitnessPal Data Breach
MyFitnessPal data breach affected more than 150 million user accounts. Attackers stole the usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords.The breach most likely happened in February this...
Security News
29 Year Old Russian Hacker who accused of Hacking LinkedIn and Dropbox Extradited to United States
29 year old Russian hacker Yevgeni Nikulin who charged for hacking into LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring was extradited to the United States from the...
Data Breach
Cyber Criminals Hacked Major U.S. Mortgage Company Computer Servers to Steal Sensitive Data – FBI
A Team of 4 Hackers who are resided in San Diego Infiltrated the Mortgage Company Computer Servers to steal the sensitive data between 2011...
Hackers Distributing Variety of New Exploits and Malware via Microsoft Office Document Exploit Kit
Newly discovered Microsoft office document exploit kit contains a variety of recent exploits and Malware such as Lokibot, Formbook and tracking kit called such...
Security News
Hackers Distributing Dangerous Malware via YouTube to Steal Passwords
Cybercriminal's pushing a dangerous malware via YouTube videos comments section that designed to steal files and sensitive data from the infected device.The dangerous malware...
Security News
UHBVN Billing Data Hacked and Hackers Demanding one Crore in Bitcoins
UHBVN was hacked, hackers stole the billing data and demands for one crore ransom in Bitcoins. The cyber attack happened targetting UHBVN IT wing...
Cryptocurrency hack
Hiddenminer – Android Monero Mining Malware Can Overheat and Cause Device Failure
A new Monero Mining Android malware dubbed ANDROIDOS_HIDDENMINER that uses the device CPU power to mine Monero malware and could cause the device to...
Security News
Aggressive Scans by Hajime Botnet Targeting Port 8291 With a new Exploit
Hajime Botnet variant made a massive come back with new features and this time it targets port 8291 to check whether the device running...