This section talks about the newest news and changes about Telegram. It includes new features, app updates, and big changes to the platform itself. Keep up with Telegram’s changes and new features, as well as how they affect privacy and conversation online. Our coverage shows how Telegram is changing and what part it plays in the worlds of messaging and social media.
A Russian software developer, aided by the National Technology Initiative, has introduced a groundbreaking AI module designed to monitor and…
Lumma Stealer, a sophisticated information-stealing malware, is spreading through Telegram channels, exploiting the platform's popularity to bypass traditional security measures…
The Russian ransomware group Key Group, active since early 2023, is targeting organizations globally, as their modus operandi involves encrypting…
Pavel Durov, Telegram's billionaire founder and CEO, was arrested on August 25, 2024, at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. French…
A newly discovered phishing marketplace, ONNX Store, empowers cybercriminals to launch sophisticated attacks against Microsoft 365 and Office 365 environments.…
The Android BadBazaar malware is being distributed through the Google Play store, Samsung Galaxy Store, and dedicated websites mimicimg Signal Plus Messenger and…
Telegram now landing into the peak of the privacy and let users delete their entire private messages from both sender…