
This section has all the newest information on viruses, such as new malware risks, virus outbreaks, and effective ways to stop them. Know about the newest ways to find, stop, and get rid of viruses, as well as how they affect systems and data (data protection). Our coverage is meant to give you up-to-date information and tips to help you stay safe from new virus risks.

New KBOT Virus Injecting Malicious Code in Windows Executable Files to Steal the Victim’s Bank & Personal Data

You're hearing the term "Virus" instead of malware after a long time right!! Yes, what you're hearing is absolutely right.…

5 years ago

The Olpair Virus – how to get rid of it

Olpair occasionally referred to as Pair is a pop-up virus attributed to the amount of Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP)…

6 years ago

Top 10 Dangerous Computer Viruses of All Time

1. Storm Worm The latest virus on our list is the dreaded Storm Worm. It was late 2006 when computer…

7 years ago

New Vulnerability Discovered in LinkedIn Messenger That Allow to Spread Malware and Compromise the Victims PC

World’s largest professional network  LinkedIn That has more than 500 Million Registered users. LinkedIn messenger Platform Vulnerability Allows attacker spread Malware…

8 years ago

Beware : Super Mario Run Android game is Actually Malware. Don’t Download it

Super Mario Run is anticipated to dispatch in the Google Play Store in the coming weeks, after beforehand going live…

8 years ago

Five new malware programs are discovered every second

A new report from the respected independent testing agency reveals some scary-sounding facts about the state of malware today.…

8 years ago

Top 5 Most Costly Viruses of All Time

1. MyDoom ($38.5 Billion) The most expensive virus in the world in terms of monetary damage was MyDoom. MyDoom did…

8 years ago