What is

theHarvester – Advanced Information Gathering Tool for Pentesters & Ethical Hackers

The objective of this Information Gathering Tool is to gather emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, open ports, and banners from…

2 years ago

XERXES – Penetration Testing with the Most Powerful Tool For DoS Attack using Kali Linux

In this Kali Linux Tutorial, we show you how to use Xerxes in launching a DOS attack. DDOS tools are…

2 years ago

Virtual Private Network: What is it and Why is it So Important To Protect Your Privacy?

Computers and the Internet have become one of the main means of transmitting and processing information. Most of the information…

2 years ago

Beyond Passwords: The Future of Authentication in Cybersecurity

The digital counterpart of your physical reality is growing phenomenally. While positive outcomes are certainly there, with the growth of…

2 years ago

Top 9 Best Remote Desktop Software for 2023

In this virtual world, remote Desktop software is playing a major role Over 70% of Americans have a computer with…

2 years ago

Modern CyberSOC – A Brief Implementation Of Building a Cyber Security Infrastructure

In earlier years, everyone depends on CyberSOC (including firewalls, WAF, SIEM, etc.) and the priority in building the SOC provides…

2 years ago

10 Best Open Port Scanner and Port Checker Tools for 2024

Port scanners and port checker tools are the most essential parts of finding the open ports and the status of…

2 years ago

Hackers Hijack Home Routers & Change The DNS Settings to Implant Infostealer Malware

Researchers discovered a new form of attack that targeted home routers and altered the DNS settings to redirect the victims…

2 years ago

What is DNS Attack and How Does it Work?

A DNS Attack is a type of cyber attack that exploits the weakness or vulnerability in a Domain name system.…

2 years ago

What is a DNS Attack and How Does it Work?

A DNS Attack is a type of cyber attack that exploits the weakness or vulnerability in a Domain name system.…

2 years ago