New Dangerous Crypto Currency Mining Malware Apps Discovered form Google Play store that is used for Mining Crypto currency using Android Mobile Phones by injecting the malicious javascript While Installing the Malware Contained Play store apps in Victims Mobile.
Past few year Crypto currency mining is very easy method for cyber criminals to Generating the huge revenue by hijacking the Web- browser and injecting the malicious script and taking control of the CPU Usage from the Victims.
Few Weeks Before Over 500 Million Users PC’s are Secretly Mining CryptoCurrency in Browser without Users Knowledge by 100 of the website by injecting mining scripts in their browsers by secretly hijacks visitors CPU’s.
These Apps are using dynamic JavaScript loading and native code injection to avoid detection and these Malicious apps were detected as ANDROIDOS_JSMINER and ANDROIDOS_CPUMINER
Also Read: Fileless Cryptocurrency Miner that affects Windows Machine Through WMI and EternalBlue
How Does This Crypto Currency Mining Malware Apps Works
There are 3 Malware were Found in Google Play store and it used to deliver the Coinhive JavaScript cryptocurrency miner to users.
Once apps Installed into victims Device then it will load the JavaScript library code from and start mining with the attacker’s own site key.
Infected Victims are completely unaware of the running Javascript code in background since webview is set to run in invisible mode by default.
In This case CPU usage is extremely high when Java script running on the victims Mobile device.
Trend Micro Researcher’s Find another family of malicious apps takes legitimate versions of apps and adds mining libraries, which are then repackaged and distributed.
Here, This Car wallpaper HD Android Application is using this Crypto Currency malware and it was Detected as ANDROIDOS_CPUMINER form Google Play store.
A Legitimate Crypto miner called  cpuminer Code is used by Malware by Modify the code from GitHub and Cpumineronly up to version 2.5.0 but malicious version uses 2.5.1
According to Trend Micro, The mining code fetches a configuration file from the cybercriminal’s own server (which uses a dynamic DNS service) that provides information on its mining pool via the Stratum mining protocol.
The figure above shows that the attacker is mining various cryptocurrencies, with varying amounts of currencies mined. It also shows that the value of the coins mined over an unknown period amounts to just over 170 US dollars; total profits aren’t known, Trend Micro said.
IOC’s – SHA256 hash