Tor browser ensures your communication around an distributed system of transfers keep running by volunteers all around the globe.
It prevents some person viewing your Internet connection from realizing what websites you visit, it prevents the websites you visit from learning your physical location, and it gives you a chance to get to websites which are blocked.
There is a bunch of reasons why people may look to share records anonymously, with the principal that rings a bell being the situation of informants or political activists attempting to keep up a strategic distance from abuse.(TOR)

At the point when a client begins utilizing Tor, it goes through the primary hub in the circuit from a pool of 2500 out of 7000 PCs, which named as “Entry Guard” which has high uptime and accessibility.
Also Read TOR and VPN Anonymous enough for Dark Web
Tor Browser 7.0.5
Deep web site are not accessible by common browsers like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. To get dark web access you will need to download the dark web browser called TOR browser bundle. Only get it from the official TOR website, never download it from anywhere else!
With Tor Browser 7.0.5 it ensure HTTPS-Everywhere is compatible for Tor Browser. HTTPS Everywhere is an addon made by EFF and the Tor Project which consequently switches thousands of websites from shaky “http” to secure “https”.
You can download the recent version of TOR browser here
- Update HTTPS-Everywhere to 2017.8.31
- Update NoScript to 5.0.9
- Bug 23166: Add new obfs4 bridge to the built-in ones
- Bug 23258: Fix broken HTTPS-Everywhere on higher security levels
- Bug 21270: NoScript settings break WebExtensions add-ons