A website pretending to be Flipper Devices offers a free FlipperZero in exchange for completing an offer, but it merely directs users to insecure browser extensions and fraudulent websites.
Flipper Zero is a portable multi-functional cybersecurity gadget designed for pen testers and hackers.
The tool supports RFID emulation, digital access key cloning, radio communications, NFC, infrared, Bluetooth, and other devices, allowing researchers to experiment with a wide range of hardware.
Through a Kickstarter crowdsourcing initiative that raised $4.8 million, it was originally revealed in August 2020.
It is hardly unexpected that scammers are attempting to capitalize on the product’s success by mimicking the brand.
Scammers Impersonating the Brand
According to Bleeping Computer, the website flipperzero[.] was promoted on social media and Reddit, offering to give free Flipper Zero gadgets by simply filling out an offer.

The site pretending to be the real https://flipperzero.one/ site, including utilizing the “Copyright 2023 – flipperzero – All Rights Reserved” statement and its Terms of Use and Privacy Pages linking to the legitimate site.

However, most of the other links on the page go to offers hosted on the website https://trkrspace[.]com, which is notorious for hosting weird affiliate sites, surveys, and browser notification frauds.
Despite the possibility of receiving the device after completing an offer, a security researcher informed that many of the offers from these websites are fake and exist only to gather user data for use in phishing scams and other malicious campaigns.

Particularly, while testing several of the displayed browser warning sites, browser tech support scams indicating that a “subscription payment” had failed, our system was overloaded, or that we need security software.

To safeguard customers, Fipper Devices said that they have no affiliation and are seeking to have the site deactivated.
“We can confirm that this website is not affiliated with Flipper Devices,” Flipper Devices said.
“Various websites appear from time to time, we found this one earlier, and we have a process of dealing with them to protect our customers.”
Unfortunately, the website is still active today; therefore, it is essential to watch out for the offers and only shop via the legitimate store.
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