Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is a process that actively gathers and analyzes information on potential cyber threats, including Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) used by attackers, along with their goals and capabilities.
The ultimate goal of CTI is to proactively understand an organization’s attack surface and identify vulnerabilities that need patching while collecting data is just the first step; effective CTI requires processing and analyzing the data to make informed security decisions.
Threat intelligence Lookup can be categorized into four categories to provide a comprehensive picture of cyber threats. Strategic intelligence focuses on the big picture, analyzing threat actors’ trends, motivations, and capabilities.
It helps answer questions like “who can attack us and why?”. Operational intelligence dives deeper, examining the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) used in attacks.
Equips security teams to actively detect and respond to threats with tools like Threat Intelligence Platforms and sandboxes.
To proactively defend against cyberattacks, security teams use technical threat intelligence (TTI) that identifies specific indicators of compromise (IOCs) like IP addresses, file hashes, and malicious domains.
Intel informs the configuration of security and monitoring systems to block or detect ongoing attacks. Tactical threat intelligence, on the other hand, provides immediate, actionable information for ongoing incidents.
It includes details on exploited vulnerabilities within the infrastructure or specific malware families involved in the attack, allowing security teams to respond swiftly with tools like incident response playbooks and vulnerability remediation guides.
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The Threat Intelligence Lifecycle is a continuous, 6-step process for proactive cybersecurity that begins with planning to identify critical assets and define intelligence needs where diverse data from open sources, human intelligence, and internal logs is collected.
The data is then processed for analysis, which involves techniques like data mining to identify patterns and potential threats. Derived insights are disseminated to security teams, executives, and partners as reports and alerts.
Stakeholder feedback is used to refine intelligence requirements and improve overall security posture, ensuring organizations stay ahead of evolving threats.
To maintain relevant threat intelligence, run a full lifecycle analysis every 1-3 months, review intelligence needs quarterly and prioritize distributing critical threats immediately.
Using automated systems like threat intelligence feeds for continuous data collection and processing ensures analysts have access to the latest information for early incident detection, which keeps threat intelligence sharp.
Analysts can use interactive sandboxes to analyze the threat in a controlled environment when encountering an unidentified malicious executable with suspicious network activity. Platforms like ANY.RUN mimic real systems and allow researchers to upload the sample for execution.
The sandbox monitors the malware’s interactions with the network, hard drive, and memory, providing real-time data on its behavior and potential impact, which facilitates rapid threat identification and informed response strategies.
Security products often offer built-in reporting features to expedite threat intelligence distribution. For instance, ANY.RUN allows for generating MITRE ATT&CK reports that map malicious actions to techniques and link to mitigation details.
Customizable text reports with selective information can be created and shared securely via links, streamlining threat intelligence dissemination amongst stakeholders.
Threat intelligence can be divided into four distinct types, each offering unique insights and analysis scopes:
Here’s a closer look at each category:
Each type of threat intelligence plays a critical role in a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, offering different layers of insight to protect against and respond to cyber threats effectively.
ANY.RUN is a cloud-based malware lab that does most of the work for security teams. 400,000 professionals use ANY.RUN platform every day to look into events and speed up threat research on Linux and Windows cloud VMs.
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