The objective of this Information Gathering tool is to extract Linkedin users based on their organization, job description, or email address.InSpy was written in Python by gojhonny.
Multiple Functionalities
- TechSpy
- EmpSpy
TechSpy – Crawls LinkedIn job listings for technologies used by the provider company. It attempts to identify technologies by matching job descriptions to keywords from a new line delimited file.
EmpSpy – Crawls LinkedIn for employees working at the provided company. It searches for employees by title and/or departments from a new line delimited file. It may also create emails for the identified employees if the user specifies an email format.
The tool was published 2 years in GitHub and with the release of Kali Linux 2017.3, it was added to the repo. In this Kali Linux tutorial, we show how to use InSpy to gather information from Linkedin.
Working with InSpy
To Clone the tool from GitHub, if you are using an older version of Kali Linux
git clone

The tool consists of a wordlist that has more than 300 job titles, and department names and the TechSpy crawl LinkedIn for technologies.
Must Read Complete Kali Tools tutorials from Information gathering to Forensics
The following command will check for profiles that associated with cybersecurity
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/title-list-large.txt cybersecurity

To Extract list of email address that matching to the company and the domain name
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/title-list-large.txt –emailformat company

To list the profiles based on Tech specification
python –empspy /root/In-Spy/wordlists/tech-list-large.txt siem

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