Android security

1.66 Billion Times Downloaded Free Antivirus Apps on Google Play Attempts to Track User Location and Access Camera

Free Antivirus apps on Google play asks users to explicitly agree for dangerous permissions that they are not required to…

5 years ago

Android 10 Released – New Privacy Protection by Restricting access to External storage, Location Access & Background Activities

Android 10 released by Google with immense changes to protect user privacy and gives more control for user's to restrict…

5 years ago

Open-Source Spyware Spreading Via Google Play Store App to Send SMS, Steal Contacts, Files & Credentials

Researchers discovered an open-source spyware AhMyth associated with Google play store app called RB Music to intrude the Android users device…

5 years ago

Most Important Security Concerns to Protect Your Android Phone From Cyber Threats

Android Phone security is one of the most important concerns in this digital era since cyber attacks are continuously evolving…

5 years ago

7 Spyware Apps with Over 130,000 Installation Found on Google Play

Google has removed 7 Stalkerware Apps from Google play that secretly spy on other users. The commercial versions of spyware…

5 years ago

BianLian Android Banking Malware is Back with Screen Recording and SSH Server Capabilities

BianLian malware was first detected in October 2018; the malware aims in stealing OTP authentication codes, check balances, inject push…

5 years ago

Android Security Update – Critical Vulnerabilities Let Hackers Control Your Android Phone Remotely

Android released new security updates and fixed several vulnerabilities that affected Android devices, and Android partners are notified of all…

5 years ago

50,000 times Downloaded Android Horror Game from GooglePlay Steals Google and Facebook Login Credentials

Android Horror game uses malicious scripts to steal the user's login credentials and uses ad networks to drive more traffic…

5 years ago

Malicious Apps from Google PlayStore Bypassing SMS-Based Two-Factor Authentication and Steal OTPs in SMS

Researchers discovered new malicious Android apps from Google Play Store bypassing SMS-based two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanisms and steal the OTP…

6 years ago

Tor Browser 8.5 Released – Tor For Android is Now Available from Google Play

Tor Browser 8.5 officially launched now along with the new version of Tor for Android which is also first time…

6 years ago