
More than 20,000,000 Chrome Users are Tricked into Installing Fake Ad Blockers

Nowadays adblockers are quite popular among user's, but before installing extension it is required to make validation checks to ensure…

7 years ago

Droidclub Botnet via Malicious Chrome Extensions That Affect More Than Half a Million Users

Security researchers from Trend Micro detected a new botnet dubbed Droidclub distributed through malicious chrome extensions. Attackers used malvertising and…

7 years ago

Four Malicious Chrome Extensions Impacted More than Half a Million Users

Security researchers from Cybersecurity firm ICEBRG detected four malicious chrome extensions that impacted more than half a million people. The…

7 years ago

Google Chrome Extension that Steals all Data Posted by Users on any Websites

Chrome Extensions continue to get compromised, security officer Renato Marinho from Morphus Labs identified a malicious Chrome extension that captures…

7 years ago

Google Chrome is to Block autoplay Video from January 2018

Google Chrome yesterday announced its initiative in blocking autoplay web video in Chrome browser. It is a perfect move to…

7 years ago

Seven More Chrome Extensions compromised to hijack traffic and substitute advertisements on users browsers

Chrome Extensions continue to get compromised, the initial compromise on Aug1, attackers used Copyfish extension to spread spam. Now add…

8 years ago

Google Announces Final Decision in Distrusting Symantec SSL Certificates

Google has made a conclusive decision on the different dates they want to execute as part of the accord plan…

8 years ago

Gmail no longer for Windows XP and Windows Vista Users on Chrome

Beginning February 8, 2017, Google will demonstrate a flag at the top point of the Gmail interface for clients who…

8 years ago

Browser Autofill Profiles are Open for Phishing Attacks

Autofill profiles in browsers are open to phishing vector that permit attackers to gather data from users through the hidden…

8 years ago