
New Malware Campaign Disguised as Google Translate Distribute Cryptocurrency Miner

Cryptocurrency mining malware has been found recently in an ongoing campaign in 11 countries disguised as Google Translate and MP3…

3 years ago

New Hacking Tools launching Crypto-Malware by Exploit a Windows SMB Server Vulnerability

Cybercriminals now leveraging new hacking tools and remote access software to drop cryptocurrency malware by exploiting a Windows SMB Server Vulnerability .…

6 years ago

New Xbash Malware Attack on Linux & Windows with Botnet, Ransomware & Coinminer Capabilities

Newly discovered Xbash malware with multiple capabilities such as  Botnet, Ransomware & Coinminer to compromise windows and Linux machine which is controlled…

6 years ago

Fileless Cryptocurrency Miner that affects Windows Machine Through WMI and EternalBlue

Nowadays Hackers Distributing Advanced Fileless Malware with Evasion capabilities which are very Difficult to Detect. Security experts from Trend Micro…

8 years ago