Since 2013, the advanced persistent threat (APT) known as Kimsuky, which the North Korean government sponsors, has been actively conducting…
Recent research has linked a series of cyberattacks to The Mask group, as one notable attack targeted a Latin American…
Earth Simnavaz, an Iranian state-sponsored cyber espionage group, has recently intensified its attacks on critical infrastructure in the UAE and…
UNC2970, a North Korean cyber espionage group, used customized SumatraPDF trojans to deliver MISTPEN backdoors to victims through phishing emails…
Three Chinese state-backed threat groups, APT10, GALLIUM, and Stately Taurus, have repeatedly employed a modified version of the open-source network…
The APT-Q-12 group, also known as Pseudo Hunter, is a Northeast Asian threat actor linked to Darkhotel, which primarily targets…
APT42 (aka Damselfly, UNC788, CALANQUE, Charming Kitten) is a sophisticated Iranian state-sponsored cyber espionage group. This Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)…
Hackers exploit open-source tools to execute attacks because they are readily available, well-documented, and often have extensive community support, making…
A Houthi-aligned group has been deploying Android surveillanceware called GuardZoo since October 2019 to target military personnel in the Middle…
Kimsuky, also known as the Velvet Chollima, Black Banshee, THALLIUM, or Emerald Sleet, is a North Korean state-sponsored advanced cyber…