deep learning

Researchers Proposed MME Framework To Enhance API Sequence-Based Malware Detection

Deep learning models analyzing API sequences for Windows malware detection face challenges due to evolving malware variants. A group of…

5 months ago

ViperSoftX Malware Uses Deep Learning Model To Execute Commands

ViperSoftX malware, known for stealing cryptocurrency information, now leverages Tesseract, an open-source OCR engine, to target infected systems, which extracts…

7 months ago

Researchers Propose An Invisible Backdoor Attack Dubbed DEBA

As deep neural networks (DNNs) become more prevalent, concerns over their security against backdoor attacks that implant hidden malicious functionalities…

9 months ago

12 Most Popular Deep Learning Libraries 2019

Deep learning libraries are essentially sets of functions and routines written in a given programming language. A large set of…

5 years ago