Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Account Hacked using Sim Swapping Attack

Twitter Co-founder & CEO Jack Dorsey account was hacked on last Friday by a hacking group called Chuckle Squad and continuously posting annoying anti-Semitic...

OnePlus 7 Pro Fingerprint Scanner Hacked In a Minutes Using a Fake Fingerprint

OnePlus 7 Pro Fingerprint Scanner hacked within minutes using Fake Fingerprint that can be created using hot-glue due to inadequate security that is implemented...

OGusers Hacked – A Hacking Forum Where Hackers Involved in Hijacking Online Accounts Itself Hacked

OGusers, a popular forum where cyber criminals involved in various hacking activities, including hijacking online accounts, conducting SIM swapping attacks, trade stolen Instagram, and...

Two 14-year-old Boys Hacked School WiFi Network to Avoid Exam

Two School students at a New Jersey high school Jamming their School WiFi Network on multiple times to avoid exams.Both students were charged with...

13-year-old School Student Hacked the Teachers Account To Steal Students Data

A 13-year-old student accused of using his teacher's credentials to get into his district school system to steal the fellow student's personal details and...

500px Hacked – Attackers Stolen 14.8 Million Users Personal Data

500px , an online photography community suffering a massive data breach that leaked 14.8 million users personal information by cybercriminals.500px global network for...

Most Important Steps to Prevent Your Organization From Identity Theft – Detailed Explanation

Identity theft by Identity Thief is the ponder utilization of another person's character, it is a genuine wrongdoing(a serious crime). Identity Thief utilizes data about anybody without...

Italian Police Finally Identified 25-Year-old Italian Hacker who have Defaced NASA Websites

After 5 years Italian police identified the hacker who is behind the NASA Websites hack and sixty institutional sites of local authorities.The Hackers almost...