Friday, February 7, 2025

Hacking tool

New L0RDIX Multipurpose Hacking Tool Advertised in Dark Web Forums

Cybercriminals advertising L0rdix Multipurpose malware in dark web forums, designed to be a universal go-to tool for attackers.It developed aiming windows machine, it combines...

21-year-old Hacker Sentenced to 30 Months Prison for Creating Popular Hacking Tool LumunosityLink RAT

A 21-year-old Kentucky Man sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for creating and selling the hacking tool LuminosityLink RAT that can be used...

U.S Identified the Suspect Who Behind the major CIA Hacking Tools Leak and Provide to WikiLeaks

The U.S Finally identified the suspect who involved the CIA Vault 7 Hacking Tool leaks that contains the Powerful cyber weapons that developed by...

Vault 7 Leaks: CIA Conducts Secret Cyber Operation “ExpressLane” Against Their Intelligence Partners -WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks Revealed a new document of CIA Secret operations called "ExpressLane" that conducts against CIA's information sharing Service Partners (liaison services) like NSA,DHS ,and FBI.These Secret operation...

CIA Hacking Tool “Brutal Kangaroo” Revealed to Hack Air-Gapped Networks by using USB Thumb Drives -WikiLeaks

Wikileaks Revealed Next CIA Hacking Tool called "Brutal Kangaroo" under Vault 7 Projects that Consists of 4 Powerful Malware Components which targets closed networks...