Thursday, February 6, 2025


Hijacker v1.3 – A Complete Wi-Fi Hacking Tool Kit for Android

The hijacker is a Graphical User Interface for the penetration testing tools Aircrack-ng, Airodump-ng, MDK3, and Reaver.It offers a basic and simple UI...

Cracking WPA/WPA2 Passwords in Minutes with Fluxion

Fluxion repack of LINSET with minor bugs and added features. It's compatible with the latest Kali Linux, Rolling Edition.What is Fluxion?Fluxion is a wireless network auditing...

Pentesting & Crack WPA/WPA2 WiFi Passwords With Wifiphisher by Jamming the WiFi

Wifiphisher is a security tool that mounts automatic victim-customized phishing attacks against WiFi victims so as to get credentials or infect the victims with...

How to Crack a WPS Enabled WPA/WPA2 WiFi Network With – Reaver

What is Reaver?"Reaver" in the context of Linux refers to a specific tool known as "Reaver-WPS." Reaver is a popular open-source command-line tool used...

NSA Released Checklist To Secure Home Wi-Fi Network

Cybercriminals can breach the security of your home WiFi and potentially cause you significant harm. Your home network may be used by malicious cyber...

7 Best Ways to Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Network From Hackers

Almost everyone at home now has a Wi-Fi router. People would probably ask you forthe network’s password to check their smartphone or show you...

Hackers Stealing WiFi Password Using New AgentTesla Malware

Researchers uncovered a new malware variant of AgentTesla used by threat actors to steal WiFi Password and data from different applications such as browsers,...

New Emotet Malware Campaign Spread The Infection Across The Network Clients Via WiFi Spreader

Researchers uncovered another new wave of WiFi Spreader campaign from the Emoter malware family that was observed being delivered to multiple bots.Last month we...