One of the worlds leading domain name registrars Registrars,, and announced a security breach on its network and it asks their customers to reset their passwords., both are owned by Nearly 7.5 million domains registered under NetworkSolutions, the world’s fifth-largest domain name registrar. learned the incident on October 16, in which, attackers gained unauthorized access to their internal computer system and accessed the account information.
Intruders have been accessed the information that includes contact details such as name, address, phone numbers, email address, and information about the services of current and former customers.
There is no credit/debit card data involved in this breach since the customer card details are encrypted.
According to the breach notice published by all 3 Domain Name Registrars,,, “We store credit card numbers in a PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant encryption standard and do not believe your credit card information is vulnerable as a specific result of this incident. That said, it is good practice to monitor your credit card account and we encourage you to notify your credit card provider if you see any suspicious charges.” said the company immediately begins the investigation with an independent cybersecurity firm and federal law enforcement to determine the scope of the incident, including the specific data impacted.
Also, the company notified affected customers through email and asked their customers to rest the password and the customer will be notified and required to reset the password the next time you log in to your account.
One of the customer wrote that he received the notification via email ” This morning, I received a standard email from to let me know a domain name I won on NameJet was provisioned to my account. I logged into my account and was met with a password reset prompt. I changed my password and logged in to my account again, where I noticed a red security message on my account dashboard: “Important Security Information. Click Here to Learn More.” “
Also, said ” We have taken additional steps to secure your account As with any online service or platform, it is also good security practice to change your password often and use a unique password for each service. “
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