Trape is the python based script to track anyone on the Internet and to perform real-world attacks on the browser of a victim. Its a URL based payload should be sent to your victims on the internet and able to do phishing attack, recognizes the other tabs or sessions of victims browser, URL Redirection, sending pop-up messages.
In this Kali Linux Tutorial, we show you how to use Trapeto track anyone on the internet and to perform real-world attacks.
Attacker Machine
- Download the Trape Tool Here

- Execute command: python -u <Cloning URL> <Port> 80

NOTE: For Security reasons, localhost is used to demonstrate this attack, If you change the script to your Ip it will become a real-world attack.Please don’t do, this article is provided for educational purpose only.
Victims to fall
- Here I have cloned successfully.

- Above figure Illustrated, Three Parameters: Lure, Control panel, and Access Key
- Lure for the victim’s Link: This URL is exact URL to be sent to victims.
- Control Panel Link: This URL is the attacker’s console to monitor victims activities.
- Access Key: This combination of letters and numbers 63c24e1b3e20e80fac1ba162 are passcode to access console and monitor victim.
Attackers Console – Trape
- Victim visits the URL which provided earlier.This is what happens !!! See Figure provided below

- This shows your victim have clicked your Link.Now its time to play with a browser.
Victims Geolocation

- Information gathered about victims current location, CPU architecture, operating system, browser and more.
Victims Browser Sessions:-
- Now Trape has detected victims is using Twitter in another tab.

Browser Hook up

- Above Image, bottom tabs show browser-based attackers.Here I have clone and suddenly victims browser changes to the Amazon login page.

- In this way you can try other tabs for URL redirection, browser pop-ups, sending the malicious file to victims.

So, this article is proposed to understand phishing attack, continues pop-ups on malicious site, site redirection and finally protect you from this kind of attacks.Never click an URL if you think its malicious.
Also Read Net Creds-Sniff out Username and Password of users in your Network