When We talking about Quantum Computing, Human Brilliance has now brought the computers a long way, and it’s completely different from what it was when Charles Babbage invented it. With the evolution in technology, businesses are forced to enhance their IT management routines by keeping with the market trends, either employing a SIEM or Cognitive Intelligence, cybersecurity is a never-ending process. But let’s see whether quantum computing will bring peace to businesses in the near future.
What is Quantum Computing?
Employing the quantum theory, to combine energy along with quantum particles (atomic and subatomic) particles and develop a powerful computer that can perform at enormous efficiency in multiple states with different computations and permutations simultaneously is called as Quantum Computing. QC is basically a modern-day supercomputer with extra terrestrial powers.

Evolution of Quantum Computing
The existing computing mechanism relies on the Boolean Algebra, that operates with logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, COPY and so on. Binary digits are processed by the capacitors and transistors at a faster rate to arrive at a solution, but at a given states they can only process either 0 or 1 and not more than that, this is when the existing computing mechanism reaches a threshold and thats when we need a better computing mechanism for rapid and better computation, which leads us to quantum computing.
In case of QC, the binary digits 0 and 1 can be a superposition which will not be possible in Classical computing. In case of QC, the presence of electrons or photons or ions can be used as 0 or 1 acting as the quantum bits or qubits, forming the basis of quantum computing.
QC is based on two main principles of quantum physics, Superposition and Entanglement which when combined together will allow more qubits to be processed at any given time offering enormous computing power, and that’s why there is a number of researches happening around quantum computing in MIT, Oxford, and IBM.

Benefits of Quantum computing
Two things quantum computers can bring in to the market is speed, efficiency and reliability.
- Classic computing can take years to resolve or process advance research, say it be on medical field or AI, but with QC this could be within hours, days or months.
- Besides, speed quantum computers can be a very efficient alternative to the existing ones, thanks to the superposition and entanglement approach.
- They can also bring in lot of reliability as they would have processed the scenario in multiple states, with all the combinations and permutations.

How It improve cybersecurity?
- With more quantum computers put on routine, organizations can enhance their cyberattack defense and detection protocol, allowing them to predict all the possibilities to breach into a network in a very less time, bringing in more safety and security for corporate networks.
- Once a version malware is detected, security professionals can work to redefine the malware codes with assistance from the quantum computing, allowing them to see through all the possibilities and identify the ones that will work to defend against the malware, making them the Dr.Strange of enterprise security.
- Data management can also be improved, with enhanced security protocols defined using the quantum computing approach after looking into the combinations of defense, giving organizations an upper hand towards data security.
With on-going research’s in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, cybersecurity may develop enormously but considering the same, the fact that the same could be used by hackers could be fearsome. ‘Which was a luxury before, has now turned into a fundamental need’, the business should practice cybersecurity as one of their key routines to stay secured against cyber threats.
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