Fortinet has many certification tracks. One of the most popular Fortinet Certifications is NSE 4 FortiGate Security.
Currently, the version is 7 but there are many devices out there running with v6.4, thus when you study for the exam, we recommend you to learn both the versions and the differences between the two for being well-prepared for the real-life network and security environments as well. A Good Fortinet NSE4 training covers both the NSE4 6.4 and NSE4 v7 topics too.
Overall you need to understand the basic functions of the FortiGate Firewall, including security profiles.
You need to learn the operation of firewall policies, Security Fabric, user authentication, SSL VPN, and how to protect a network using security profiles such as IPS, antivirus, web filtering, application control, and more.
These fundamentals of administration should provide you with a solid understanding of how to implement basic network security.
After completing the NSE4 Fortogate Security training with e good vendor that has a lot of real-life experience, you should expect to be good at:
We recommend you to evaluate the training vendors and definitely ask them also whether they have a study group, or one-to-one mentorship when it comes to training. Because after you finish NSE4 Fortigate Security, you would like to get expert help for the next steps, what should be the next to learn, which certificate you should continue to study, and so on.
Also, when you have a question, you should be able to ask and discuss it with the instructors and the other Fortinet Experts.
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