Linux Malware

Pumakit – Sophisticated Linux Rootkit That Persist Even After Reboots

Pumakit is a sophisticated rootkit that leverages system call interception to manipulate file and network activity. It ensures persistence through…

1 month ago

Red Menshen APT Group Deploying BPFDoor in Linux Kernel

APTs Red Menshen expands targets to Linux and cloud servers, as seen in ransomware attacks on VMware ESXi, Mirai botnet…

2 years ago

Hackers use Rekoobe Backdoor to Attack Linux Systems

Rekoobe is a notorious backdoor that primarily targets Linux environments, and it's actively exploited by the threat actors, mainly a…

2 years ago

FreakOut Malware that Exploits Critical Vulnerabilities in Linux Devices

Check Point Research (CPR) encountered that ongoing attacks involve a new malware variant, called ‘FreakOut.’ The purpose behind these attacks…

4 years ago

Gitpaste-12 Malware via GitHub and Pastebin Attacks Linux Servers and IoT Devices

Gitpaste-12 is a new worm that uses GitHub and Pastebin for housing component code and has atleast 12 different attack…

4 years ago

Lazarus APT Hackers Group Attack Linux & Windows Platform Using Dacls RAT

Researchers discovered a previously unknown fully functional Remote Access Trojan called "Dacls" from infamous Lazarus APT hackers group to attack…

5 years ago

Multi-Platform Malware “ACBackdoor” Attack Both Windows & Linux Users PC by Executing Arbitrary Code

Researchers discovered a previously undetected multi-platform malware called ACbackdoor that has both Linux and Windows Variant to infect the respective…

5 years ago

New Linux Malware “EvilGnome” Spying on Linux Desktop Users and Steal Sensitive Files

Researchers discovered a new Linux malware called "EvilGnome" with previously unseen functionalities that capable of creating a backdoor and spying…

6 years ago

New eCh0raix Ransomware Attacking Linux File Storage Servers

A new ransomware strain dubbed eCh0raix targeting Linux based QNAP Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. The ransomware intended to infect…

6 years ago

Hackers Use Linux Malware HiddenWasp to Attack Linux Systems for Gaining Remote Access

A new sophisticated, unique Linux malware dubbed HiddenWasp used in targeted attacks against victim's who are already under attack or…

6 years ago