Intel revealed the Optane SSD DC P4800X. Optane SSD DC P4800X is a 375GB SSD (Solid State Drive) which is intended for the NVMe and PCI Express slots in servers. The best part is it can be utilized as RAM (Random Access Memory).
All things considered, on the off chance that we investigate route in 2015, then we will think around 3D Xpoint Memory which was reported by Intel and Micron.
Both the organizations guaranteed that 3D Xpoint Memory would be 1,000 circumstances speedier than the current SSDs.
All things considered, this new class of memory was publicized both as non-unstable and framework memory.
That basically implies this new kind of memory can supplant both a PCs SSD and RAM.
All things considered, in the year 2015 Intel guaranteed that 3D Xpoint Memory is the noteworthy leap forward in the capacity field. Presently, in view of this superfast 3D stockpiling tech, Intel disclosed the Optane SSD DC P4800X.
Oh my goodness Intel’s Optane SSD DC 94800X is an item that is intensely centered around Datacenter with gigantic read/compose loads and low inactivity, and the best part is it can be utilized as RAM.
At this moment it is accessible in restricted amount, and it conveys the sticker price of $1,520.
As per Ars Technica “In the second quarter, a 750GB PCIe model, and a 375GB model in the U.2 shape component will be discharged, and in the second 50% of the year, a 1.5TB PCIe card, and 750GB and 1.5TB U.2 stick, are arranged.”
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