Thursday, January 30, 2025


Widely Used Cryptocurrency App Launching 2 Different Powerful Backdoor on Mac Users

A cryptocurrency app, CoinTicker which is widely used in cryptocurrency industry pushing 2 different backdoors on Mac users to steal the cryptocurrency coins and other...

New Android Malware Turns Your Mobile Devices into Hidden Proxies

Cyber criminals distributing new Android malware via Phishing email campaign that turns infected smartphones into hidden mobile proxies.This malicious app installing a fake voice-message...

DarkPulsar – A Shadow Brokers Group’s New Hacking Tool Leak To Open Backdoor & Provide Remote Control

Shadow Brokers Hacking Group's new administrative module Tool called DarkPulsar Leaks with persistance backdoor to provide remote control to the attackers.There are two sophisticated...

Most Advanced Backdoor Obfuscation and Evasion Technique That used by Hackers

Cybercriminals are using the most sophisticated techniques to bypass the security controls in various organization such as  IT, medical, manufacturing industries, energy sectors, even...

Lazarus APT Group Attack Cryptocurrency Exchange using macOS Malware Under the Operation AppleJeus

A cyber espionage APT group called Lazarus hits the cryptocurrency exchanges using fake installer and macOS malware using variously sophisticated techniques.Lazarus group widely known...

Hackers Using Microsoft Publisher File To Deliver Dangerous FlawedAmmyy RAT Targeting Banks

A new campaign using Weaponized Microsoft Publisher File(.pub) to deliver the FlawedAmmyy RAT. The FlawedAmmyy RAT is a backdoor tool that gains remote access...

Iron Cybercrime Group Distributing New Powerful Backdoor with Strong Evasion Techniques

Newly discovered powerful & previously unknown backdoor using HackingTeam’s leaked Remote Control System (RCS) code to infect the thousands of victim around the world.This...

HIDDEN COBRA – A North Korean Hacking Group Attack in Wide using Powerful RAT & SMB Worm -Warned DHS & FBI

HIDDEN COBRA is one of the well known hacking group who is behind the North Korean government spreading Powerful Joanap Backdoor and  Brambul Server Message...