Security News
Nearly Every CPU’s Since 1995 are Vulnerable to “Meltdown” and “Spectre” Attacks
A critical vulnerability published by Google which affects almost all the processors since 1995, the vulnerability resides in "speculative execution" a technique used by...
Security News
Intel Processors Vulnerability Allows Normal User Programs To Access The Protected Memory in the Kernel
Intel Processors Critical hardware design flaw that Presented in kernel level mode has been affected both Windows and Linux Kernels which leads to abuse...
Trackmageddon – Location Tracking Services (GPS) Vulnerabilities Allow to Access Unauthorized GPS Location Data
Security researchers discovered multiple vulnerabilities dubbed "Trackmageddon" which affects GPS services and online location tracking devices.The vulnerabilities with GPS location tracking devices allow an...
Security News
Kozlovsky from Lurk Hacker Group admits that his group involved in creation of WannaCry and DNC hack on Demand
Arrested Hacker Konstantin Kozlovsky from Lurk Hacker group admits that he is one of the Author of WannaCry ransomware and the work was commissioned...
Security News
Hackers can Recover Smart Phone PIN by combining Data Available in Sensors
Security PIN plays a vital role in protecting sensitive application such as banking applications, Wallets, and unlocking screen. It remains as a valuable asset...
Security News
Web Trackers Exploit Browser Password Managers and Steal Login Information From Browser
A known browser vulnerability exploits the default browser Password manager that abused by third-party scripts and exfiltrate the hidden user identities.An attacker can be...
Security News
Acoustic Attack Against HDDs Can Cause Permanent Damage CCTV DVR, PCs, ATMs
Hard disks play a vital role in numerous computing systems including, personal computers, closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, medical bedside monitors, and automated teller machines...
Security News
Russian Bank ATM Vulnerability Allows to Hack the ATM by Pressing Shift Key Five Times
A Russian user discovered a major ATM vulnerability in Windows XP running ATM machine that could be compromised by pressing five Shift Key times.When...