R6DB is a fan-powered online database that provides player statistics for Rainbow Six Siege. It went offline this weekend and the database wiped by the hackers and asked for a Ransom.
The incident took down their servers on Saturday and according to the companies statement some automated bot hit their servers and wiped the database.They kept the remote connection open from Development machine to Postgress Database server.
R6DB said they are currently working in the restoration process and they are not sure how many dates they can retrieve. Due to the hectic and unplanned September-migration, we didn’t have everything locked down yet, which led to this situation.
They don’t store any personal data’s so no need to be concerned about privacy issues.They basically lost all of their historical data.
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Some profiles are gone says R6db We can re-index them when searched for, but that’s a step we can’t-do ourselves.progressions (aka historical data, aka charts) are fucked. They’ll fill up again over time, but the past is gone.
“Progressions (aka historical data, aka charts) are lost They’ll fill up again over time, but the past is gone,” R6DB said. “PC only aliases are half-lost. We still have some older data, but about a months worth of aliases is lost.”
R6DB decided to completely deploy a new server as the old server is compromised, they made the new server online but database restoration is still in progress.At the time of writing update 13:30 pm: pc restore is done, ps4 at 25%.