One login is a Cloud-based Password Manager which concedes a remarkable data breach, the attacker’s steal client’s credentials.
A password manager helps with creating, putting away, and recovering complex passwords from a scrambled database.Types of password managers incorporate locally installed programming applications, online administrations that are gotten to through web-based interfaces, locally accessed hardware devices that fill in as keys.Are you using the onelogin password manager?, Need to Change your passwords immediately.
They announced, “recently we detected that a malicious actor had obtained access to our US operating region.”
Attack method
From Onelogin Blog post they recognize the threat actor obtained access to a set of AWS keys and used them to access the AWS API from an intermediate host with another, smaller service provider in the US.
The attack originated around  May 31, 2017, around 2 am PST.Alvaro Hoyos CISO of OneLogin’s says Through the AWS API, the actor created several instances in our infrastructure to do reconnaissance. The onelogin staff was alerted of unusual database activity around 9 am PST and within minutes shut down the affected instance as well as the AWS keys that were used to create it.
Customer Impact
The threat actor could get to database tables that contain data about clients, applications, and different sorts of keys.
At this time they are not able to assure that the attacker can decrypt the stolen data.
OneLogin’s investigation is ongoing and is aided by independent third-party security experts, as well as law enforcement. We will update this when there is more information we can share, as appropriate. We thank you again for your continued support. says Hoyos.