Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Information Gathering

SN1PER – Most Advanced Automated Penetration Testing Tool – 2023

Sn1per is an automated scanner that can automate the process of collecting data for exploration and penetration testing.In their work sn1per involves such well-known...

New Hacking Group Outlaw Distributing Botnet to Scan The Network & Perform Cryptocurrency-Mining & Brute-Force Attack

A new hacking group called Outlaw distributing powerful botnet in order to perform the network scanning crypto-mining operation, a brute-force attack on vulnerable systems.This new threat...

Network Reconnaissance to get Target Subdomains and IP’s with recon-ng & Netcraft

Recon-ng is an advanced Web Reconnaissance tool written in Python. It is an effective tool in which open-source web-based Network reconnaissance can be led...