Cyber Crime
HookBot Malware Use Overlay Attacks Impersonate As Popular Brands To Steal Data
The HookBot malware family employs overlay attacks to trick users into revealing sensitive information by impersonating various brands and apps to gain trust. It...
ToxicPanda Banking Malware Attacking Banking Users To Steal Logins
Recent research has uncovered a new strain of malware developed for Android devices, initially misidentified as TgToxic. Despite sharing some bot command similarities, this malware,...
Cyber Crime
Hackers Using AV/EDR Bypass Tool From Cybercrime Forums To Bypass Endpoints
Researchers uncovered two previously unknown endpoints with older Cortex XDR agents that used to test an AV/EDR bypass tool were compromised, granting unauthorized access.The...
Cyber Crime
Hackers Created 100+ Fake Web Stores To Steal Millions Of Dollars From Customers
The Phish, 'n' Ships fraud operation leverages, compromised websites to redirect users to fake online stores, which, optimized for search engine visibility, trick victims...
Cyber Crime
Singapore’s Government Directed ISPs To Block Access To Ten Inauthentic Websites
Singapore’s government has instructed internet service providers to block access to websites deemed “inauthentic,” which are believed to be part of hostile information campaigns...
Dark Angels Ransomware Attacking Windows And Linux/ESXi Systems
The sophisticated ransomware group Dark Angels, active since 2022, targets large companies for substantial ransom payments by employing third-party ransomware payloads like Babuk, RTM...
Cyber Crime
Google Warns Of North Korean IT Workers Have Infiltrated The U.S. Workforce
North Korean IT workers, disguised as non-North Koreans, infiltrate various industries to generate revenue for their regime, evading sanctions and funding WMD programs by...
Cyber Crime
Russian Hackers Registering Domains Targeting US Tech Brands
Researchers are tracking a Russian threat actor deploying domains involved in crypto scams targeting the US Presidential Election and tech brands.The scams offer...