Security researchers from Kaspersky uncovered a malware campaign that is active for almost Five years since from 2013. The malware campaign dubbed Dark Tequila primarily targets Mexican users.
Dark Tequila was designed to steal the financial credentials of customers associated with Mexican banking institutions and also the login credentials of the popular websites ranging from code versioning repositories to public file storage accounts and domain registrars.
Dark Tequila Malware Delivery
The malware will be delivered only if certain conditions are met. It is a multi-stage payload it checks for the system to see any security software installed or the sample is being run in an analysis environment.
Attackers use to deliver the malware through online spear-phishing and the offline infection through USB device. The threat actors behind Dark Tequila carefully monitor’s it’s activities, if any user installs the malware outside of Mexico then the attackers uninstall the malware remotely.
According to researchers “The malicious implant contains all the modules required for the operation and, when instructed to do so by the command server, different modules decrypt and activate. All stolen data is uploaded to the server in encrypted form.”
Dark Tequila Modules
Module 1: Command and Control Server
It takes care of the communication between the command and control server and also it verifies that any man-in-the-middle network check is being performed to defend against analysis.
Module 2 – CleanUp
If it detects any security program or suspicious activity or likes running on a virtual machine it executes the cleanup module and performs a full cleanup of the system.
Module 3 – Advanced Keylogger
Designed to steal credentials from a list of online banking and generic sites such as Cpanel, Plesk, online flight reservation systems, Microsoft Office365, IBM Lotus Notes clients, Zimbra email, Bitbucket, Amazon, GoDaddy, Register, Namecheap, Dropbox, Softlayer, Rackspace, and other services.
Module 4 – Password Stealer
It steals the password from Email’s, FTP clients and as well as from the browsers.
Module 5 – USB Infector
It makes the malware to move offline through the victim’s network, it copies itself if the USB inserted on the affected system and get ready to spread for another machine.
Module 6 – watchdog
Monitoring service to make sure the malware is running properly.
The campaign is still active and it can be deployed to any part of the word and it can attack any targets.
Reference hashes:
4f49a01e02e8c47d84480f6fb92700aa091133c894821fff83c7502c7af136d9 dce2d575bef073079c658edfa872a15546b422ad2b74267d33b386dc7cc85b47
Reference C2s:
https://46[.]17[.]97[.]12/website/ https://174[.]37[.]6[.]34/98157cdfe45945293201e71acb2394d2 https://75[.]126[.]60[.]251/store/
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