Zomato Reports a massive Data breach that, 17 Million user records were stolen. Zomato over 120 million active users in worldwide and Zomato offers details of best cities to people’s find food orders and Restaurants.
A Security team from Zomoto Discovered this biggest Data breach and reports to their registered users.
According to the report by Zomato, the Stolen data’s contain information’s such as Registered users USERNAME and Hashed PASSWORD.
since all the password contains encrypted hash format Zomato believe and report that, there is no way to reversed and Decrypt to plain text.
Data’s Disclosed in Darkweb
Hackers Released all the stolen Zomoto users information’s such as username and password into Dark web Market and fix a cost for the whole package of Zomato data for USD 1,001.43 (BTC 0.5587), reports Hackeread

In this case Zomoto reports to their users ,”payment related information on Zomato is stored separately from this (stolen) data in a highly secure PCI Data Security Standard (DSS) compliant vault. No payment information or credit card data has been stolen/leaked.“This leaked information contains user names and hashed passwords are registered via both app and website by zomoto users.
According to Hackread analyze the report, revealed email address checked and tried to send a password to reset email to some of the email addresses which is in the leaked sources and its revealed that they are registered with Zomato.
Zomoto reports, “Since we have reset the passwords for all affected users and logged them out of the app and website, your zomato account is secure. Your credit card information on Zomato is fully secure, so there’s nothing to worry about there.”
Also, zomato requested users to change their password for any other services where they are using the same password.