Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Exploitation Tools

Netcat vs Cryptcat – Remote Shell to Control Kali Linux from Windows machine

Netcat is a good build network debugging tool, which can read and write data across computers using TCP or UDP, it is also called...

DNS Shell – Tool to Compromise and Maintain Control Over Victim Machine

DNS Shell protocol runs on the application layer of the TCP/IP Model. When an attacker or pentester tries to exploit DNS with RCE vulnerability (Remote Command Execution) destination...

Commix – Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool

Commix (short for and njection eploiter) has a simple environment and it can be used, by web developers, penetration testers, or even security researchers...

BeEF – Browser Exploitation Framework Over WPN (Without Port Forwarding)

Beef Xss Framework is a browser exploitation tool. It mainly focuses on client-side attacks and web-based browsers.It helps a penetration tester to understand...

Penetration Testing with Windows Computer & Bypassing an Antivirus Using VEIL-Framework in Kali Linux

Pentesters have a hard time bypassing anti-viruses nowadays Since  Antiviruses are evolving as we speak. We at GBHackers decided to put some time to teach...

Pentesting Windows Using Microsoft Office DDE Exploit (MACROLESS)

DDE exploit also known as dynamic data exchange, allows data to be transferred between applications without any interaction from the user. Hackers leveraged this...

RouterSploit – Exploitation Framework for Embedded devices

The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework devoted to embedded devices. It includes various modules that aid penetration testing operations:exploits – modules that...

ICMP Shell- Secret Command and Control Channel to Control Victims Machine Using Ping

Corporate firewalls can block reverse and bind TCP connections. However, corporate firewalls are behind internal networks. So we can use PING as a great convert...