Cyber Security News
Linux Malware Skidmap Uses kernel-mode Rootkits to Hide Cryptocurrency Mining Activities
Skidmap is a recent sample of the Linux malware that loads malicious kernel modules to hide it's Cryptocurrency mining activities by faking network traffic...
Cyber Security News
Multistage Attack Delivers BillGates/Setag Backdoor to Turn Elasticsearch Servers into DDoS Botnet
A new multistage attack exploiting Elasticsearch servers using the old unpatched vulnerability to invoke a shell with a crafted query and encoded Java commands....
Cyber Security News
New Linux Malware “EvilGnome” Spying on Linux Desktop Users and Steal Sensitive Files
Researchers discovered a new Linux malware called "EvilGnome" with previously unseen functionalities that capable of creating a backdoor and spying the Linux desktop users.Based...
New eCh0raix Ransomware Attacking Linux File Storage Servers
A new ransomware strain dubbed eCh0raix targeting Linux based QNAP Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. The ransomware intended to infect and encrypt the files...
Cyber Security News
Hackers Use Linux Malware HiddenWasp to Attack Linux Systems for Gaining Remote Access
A new sophisticated, unique Linux malware dubbed HiddenWasp used in targeted attacks against victim's who are already under attack or gone through a heavy...
Linux malware
StealthWorker Brute-force Malware Attack on Windows & Linux Platform Via Hacked E-commerce Websites
Researchers discovered a new brute-force malware called StealthWorker that attack Windows & Linux platform via compromised E-commerce websites to steals personal information and payment...
Computer Security
New Linux Coin Miner that Deletes Other Linux Malware and Coin Miners
A new Linux coin miner that is capable of deleting previously installed Linux malware, coin miners and services associated with that including the connection...