A Penetration Testing OS BlackArch Linux 2019.06.01 Released with new ISOs and OVA image and set of high-quality updates for Penetration testers.
BlackArch Linux is one of the Powerful Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution which contains around 2200 Hacking tools.
BlackArch Linux one of the widely using Distributions by hackers, penetration testers, and security researchers for various security research purposes.
The release includes the new version of blackarch-installer (v1.1.1), kernel, and many other high-quality improvements.
BlackArch Linux contains more than 2200 Hacking tools for Various Purposes such as DDoS Attacks, Phishing attacks, Web and network-based attacks, WiFi Attacks.
BlackArch Linux helps to perform Pentesting in various Platform such as network pentesing, Mobile App Pentesting, Web application pentesting Etc.
Along with this new updates, BlackArch Linux added more than 150 new tools and it is a lightweight expansion to Arch Linux for penetration testers.
BlackArch Linux 2019-06-01 ChangeLog
- added more than 150 new tools
- added ‘jedi-vim’ plugin
- updated vim plugins
- included linux kernel 5.1.4
- ISO file clean-ups and tweaks
- updated blackarch-installer to v1.1.1
- updated Xresources/Xdefaults + added support for rxvt-unicode
- package QAs (runtime checks) were performed prior the ISO build
- updated all blackarch tools and packages including config files
- updated all system packages
- updated all window manager menus (awesome, fluxbox, openbox)
BlackArch’s features
- Support for x86_64, armv6h, armv7h and aarch64 architectures
- Over 2200 tools (constantly increasing)
- Modular package groups
- A live ISO with multiple window managers, including dwm, fluxbox,
- openbox, awesome, wmii, i3 and spectrwm.
- An 64bit OVA image ready to use with Virtualbox, QEMU, and VMware
- An optional installer with the ability to build from source.
You can download the new ISOs here: Download and you can follow the Instruction for installation: Installation Steps.
Also Recommended reviewing our Kali Linux Tutorials page which covers dozens of Kali Linux Tools.
Previous Release
Penetration Testing Distribution BlackArch Linux 2018.06.01 Released With Powerful New Hacking Tools
New BlackArch Penetration Testing Linux ISOs Released with More Hacking Tools