Yuki Chan is an Automated Penetration Testing tool that will be auditing all standard security assessments for you.
It is one of the Best Penetration testing Tools which provides many Integrated Security Tools and Performing Many Penetration testing Operations into Target Networks.
There are more than 15 Modules that have been Integrated with Yuki Chan and it is one of the most powerful tools for Auditing the network.
Number Of Modules
- Whois domain analyzer
- Nslookup
- Nmap
- TheHarvester
- Metagoofil
- DNSRecon
- Sublist3r
- Wafw00f
- WAFNinja
- XSS Scanner
- WhatWeb
- Spaghetti
- WPscan
- WPscanner
- WPSeku
- Droopescan ( CMS Vulnerability Scanner WordPress, Joomla, Silverstripe, Drupal, And Moodle)
- SSLScan
- SSLyze
- A2SV
- Dirsearch
Yuki Chan Futures
- Automated
- Intel-Gathering
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Security Auditing
- Tracking
- System Enumeration
- Fuzzing
- CMS Auditing
- SSL Security Auditing
- And Off Course This Tool Designed For Targeted Pentesting Too
How to do Penetration Testing your Network with Yuki Chan
Initially, Download Yuki Chan from GitHub Clone. —>> Download
The first Step we need to Download and Install the Yuki Chan.
Ok. In my recent OS (Kali Linux) has been already installed the module
- Nmap
- Wafw00f
- WPScan
- SSLScan
- SSLyze
So if your OS doesn’t have it then you can install it first here I give you resources.
Red Hat, Fedora, Mandrake, and Yellow Dog Linux with Yum
#yum install nmap
Debian Linux and Derivatives such as Ubuntu
#apt-get install nmap
#git clone https://github.com/EnableSecurity/wafw00f.git
#cd wafw00f
#python setup.py install
or simple way
#pip install wafw00
#git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan.git
#cd wpscan
#sudo gem install bundler && bundle install –without test
#git clone https://github.com/nabla-c0d3/sslyze.git
Yuki Installation Process
Let go and Install the Yuki.
#cd Desktop
#git Clone https://github.com/Yukinoshita47/Yuki-Chan-The-Auto-Pentest
Later Give Chmod 777 Access Level
#chmod 777 wafninja joomscan install-perl-module.sh yuki.sh
And Then Install Python Module
#pip install -r requirements.txt
Once complete all the Requirements then Launch the Yuki
preparation finished now run this tool.
Once Launch the Tool Then Enter your Target Website where you want to do Penetration Testing.
Here I have used “exploit-db.com”
One Click your Enter Button Yuki Will getting Start scanning your Entire Target Network and Give you Tons of Valuable Information to you by helping its Integrated Security Tools
In this Result, We can able Gathering Information about the Target network using Whois Lookup.
Nex one Nmap Will Start it Process to Scan the Target Website and Provide Information about the open Ports and other related information.
Next, theHarvester will Provide Penetration testers in the early stages of the penetration test in order to understand the customer footprint on the Internet. It is also useful for anyone that wants to know what an attacker can see about their organization.
Following theHarvester , Many Tools are Performing an Auditing Against the Target and Providing you with a complete Result.
Here I have used our Website “gbhackers.com” for testing Purposes.
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