Exploitation Tools
Pentesting Windows Using Microsoft Office DDE Exploit (MACROLESS)
DDE exploit also known as dynamic data exchange, allows data to be transferred between applications without any interaction from the user. Hackers leveraged this...
Exploitation Tools
RouterSploit – Exploitation Framework for Embedded devices
The RouterSploit Framework is an open-source exploitation framework devoted to embedded devices. It includes various modules that aid penetration testing operations:exploits – modules that...
Exploitation Tools
ICMP Shell- Secret Command and Control Channel to Control Victims Machine Using Ping
Corporate firewalls can block reverse and bind TCP connections. However, corporate firewalls are behind internal networks. So we can use PING as a great convert...
Exploitation Tools
XERXES – Penetration Testing with the Most Powerful Tool For DoS Attack using Kali Linux
In this Kali Linux Tutorial, we show you how to use Xerxes in launching a DOS attack. DDOS tools are capable of putting heavy...
Exploitation Tools
Exploit Windows Remote PC with EternalBlue & DoublePulsar Exploit through Metasploit
EternalBlue Malware was Developed by National Security Agency (NSA) exploiting Windows-based Server Message Block (SMBv1) it is believed the tool has released by Shadow...
Exploitation Tools
VENOM – An Exploitation Tool to Bypass Anti Virus Detection with Encrypted Payloads
Nowadays many Malware and Payloads are using Encryption techniques and packing techniques using Packers to Evade the Anti Virus Software since AV is Difficult...
Exploitation Tools
DDOS a Website Anonymously by Using Kali Linux Tools
DDOS tools are capable of putting heavy loads on HTTP servers and bringing them to their knees by exhausting their resources.What is DDOS?DDoS stands...
Exploitation Tools
How to Launch a DoS Attack by using Metasploit Auxiliary
Most DDOS Attacks target Enterprise Networks so implementing DDoS Protection in Enterprise networks is a more important concern.An organization should always ensure and focus...