Thursday, January 30, 2025

Exploitation Tools

JSRAT – Secret Command & Control Channel Backdoor to Control Victims Machine Using JavaScript

JsRat is python based script developed to backdoor victim machine using JavaScript payloads and the HTTP protocol for communication between the server and the target...

Checkm8 – Hacker Published “Unpatchable” Jailbreak for Millions of iOS Devices from iPhone 4S to iPhone X

An iOS security researcher with twitter handle Axi0mX released an Epic Jailbreaking tool dubbed Checkm8, exploit iOS device form iPhone 4S (A5 chip) to...

4CAN – Cisco Released New Open Source Security Tool to Find Security Vulnerabilities in Modern Cars

Cisco released an open-source hardware tool called "4CAN" for automobile security researchers and car manufacturers to find the potential security vulnerabilities in connected cars...

Commando VM 2.0 – A New Version of Offensive Pentesting VM Updated With Kali Linux & New Hacking Tools

Commando VM 2.0, a new version of Windows-based security distribution released for penetration testing community and red teamers with updated hacking tools and new...

How to Transfer Data via Monitor Pixel Color Values (Monitor Screen as Covert Channel)

Assume that you want to transfer data from one machine to another machine. If you use public email services, FTP or any other protocols, you...

New Variant of HawkEye Sold on Hacking Forums and Distributed via Excel and DOC Files

Threat actors advertised a new version of the information stealer malware kit HawkEye Reborn v9 that exfiltrates various information from the infected systems.Talos observed...

Malicious Payload Evasion Techniques with Advanced Exploitation Frameworks

Sophisticated threats are Evolving with much more advanced capabilities and giving more pain for analysis even evade the advanced security software such as Antivirus. This...

Android Rat – TheFatRat Pentesting Tool to Hack and Gain Access to Targeted Android Phone

TheFatRat is a simple Android RAT tool to build a backdoor and post-exploitation attacks like browser attacks.This Android RAT tool produces malware with mainstream...