Monday, February 24, 2025

Security Tools

Hackers Exploiting SS7 Protocol & Inject ATM Malware to Attack Banks and Financial Sectors

The Banking and Financial sectors were hit with a constant stream of cyber attacks when compared to any of the other industries. 25.7 percent...

Free tool to Check Website Security, Mobile app, SSL Security & Phishing Test

ImmuniWeb launches a free website security test tool that organizations can utilize for testing their programs for vulnerabilities and PCI DSS requirements.Organizations can utilize...

Parrot Security OS 4.6 Released with New Updates for Hacking Tools & Important Vulnerability Fixes

Parrot 4.6 Released by Parrot security with so many updates that bring all the hacking tools on the table with new futures and important...

Free Email Security Penetration Testing Tool to Check Organization’s Security against Advanced Threats

BitDam launches a free Email Security Penetration Testing tool to determine the organization's security posture against advanced threats.The Email accounts are the tempting targets...

FLASHMINGO – Free Threat Intelligence Tool for Malware Analysts’ to Analyse Flash Exploits

FireEye released a Free automated analysis tool FLASHMINGO, which enables malware analysts to detect suspicious flash samples and to investigate them.The tool integrates various...

0patch PRO – New Micropatch Program Launched for Windows Platform Zero-day Vulnerabilities

ACROS Security announced new Commercial 0patch PRO, a new platform that offers a security Micropatches for Windows platform Zero-day vulnerabilities.0patch PRO is the first...

Osmedeus – Fully Automated Offensive Security Tool for Reconnaissance & Vulnerability Scanning

Osmedeus is a fully automated tool that allows you to run the collection of awesome tools to reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning against the target.How...

Shodan Monitor – New Tool to Setup Network Alerts and Track Devices Exposed to Internet

Shodan launches a new tool that helps organizations in detecting their devices that exposed over the Internet. The Shodan Monitor keeps track of the...